AzCHER New Member Form


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Organization Details

Organization Name*
(Please include full name)
Primary Phone
North    Central    South    West    Other

Primary Facility

Facility Type*
Licensure Type*   Definitions
Facility Name*
Street Address* The physical address of the facility (No P.O.Box)
Street Address #2
Zip Code

Primary Contact

First Name*
Last Name*
Professional Title*
Office Phone*
Cell Phone

Participation Agreement     

Participation Agreement for Member Engagement

The Arizona Coalition for Healthcare Emergency Response, hereafter referred to as AzCHER, is a statewide coalition of healthcare delivery organizations and their emergency preparedness partners maintaining the purpose of promoting individual facility and systemic resilience to disasters and/or large-scale emergencies affecting the healthcare sector in Arizona. The coalition serves all 15 counties of the state and welcomes the membership of any entity that supports AzCHER’s primary goal of enhancing coordination, cooperation, and communication pertaining to emergency prevention, preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery.

This Participation Agreement is a voluntary and non-binding agreement to aid and support each other in the event of a disaster or large-scale emergency among:

  • Healthcare provider organizations
    • Hospitals / Acute Care
    • Long-term Care
    • Behavioral Healthcare
    • Ambulatory Care, such as ESRD clinics and ambulatory surgery centers
    • Community Health Centers
    • Other Providers
  • Critical healthcare collaborators and Core Members
    • Emergency Medical Services (EMS) / Medical Transport / First Responders
    • Public Health Agencies / PHEP Partners
    • Emergency Management Agencies
  • Supporting organizations (examples only)
    • Nonprofits / NGOs
    • Power and Communications Companies
    • Supply Chain (including equipment and pharmaceutical distributors)
    • Blood banks
    • Medical Laboratories
    • Organ Donor Networks

While participation in the coalition (i.e., being a “Partner”) does not require the submission of a signed Participation Agreement, membership (i.e., being a “Member”) does require such.

AzCHER members are organizations, not individuals, and may have multiple facilities or sites. The member entity is, for example, a health system, with each licensed hospital, surgery center, and other site where healthcare is provided listed as a facility. Other collaborators and supporting organizations should provide information on the primary site or headquarters and may list additional sites as facilities.

Each AzCHER member organization must provide a key contact person, the Designated Member Representative (DMR), who will serve as the primary contact with whom coalition staff will communicate on all matters pertaining to the member organization. Such matters may include but are not limited to coalition response functions such as notification of member EOC activation and the provision of requested status data (also known as essential elements of information). The DMR will be responsible for submitting survey responses (or distributing surveys to the appropriate organizational respondents), providing updated member data, and distributing relevant information to co-workers on behalf of the member entity. Additional contact persons listed in the database will receive general communications, such as Arizona Health Alert Network (AzHAN) alerts and newsletters. Any and all member representatives - not just the DMR - are invited to attend coalition events, such as General Body meetings and community-based exercises.

AzCHER Partner Benefits:

  • Networking / Building Professional Relationships
  • Information Sharing
  • Attend Regional General Body Meetings

AzCHER Member Benefits:

  • Voting on Coalition Matters
  • Opportunities to Participate in committees and work groups to develop community-wide assessments, plans, and exercises
  • Access to AzCHER-Connect Member Database
  • Access to AzCHER’s file sharing and group communications tool, BaseCamp
  • Training Opportunities
  • Exercise Participation (Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis, depending on the needs of the exercise and of members.)
  • Eligibility for Coalition Funds, if/when they are available

AzCHER Member Responsibilities:

  • Attend Regional General Body Meetings
  • Respond to requests for information, such as Coalition Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (CHVA) and inventory surveys
  • Update AzCHER-Connect with up-to-date information, such as changes in key contacts
  • Participate in Coalition Exercises, ranging from Arizona Health Alert Network (AzHAN) communication drills to statewide full-scale exercises, to the best of the member’s ability
  • Participate in the sharing of information that will lead to the region’s optimal emergency preparedness and response capabilities in a manner that 1) is in alignment with the member organization’s policies and procedures; 2) does not present a conflict of interest to the member organization; and 3) is not proprietarily protected
  • Participate in other various and miscellaneous ways, such as in providing a venue for coalition meetings or engaging in Functional Work Groups, as able
  • Maintain familiarity with the coalition’s emergency plans
  • Notify coalition staff of member exercises that are open to the community
  • Notify the coalition when the member’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is activated by contacting the member’s regional manager or, in an emergency that requires coalition support, calling 602-264-2930

To be eligible for additional benefits, such as Coalition Funds (if/when they are available), Members are Encouraged but not Required to:

  • Be registered as a closed POD with their local public health jurisdiction
  • Regularly attend General Body meetings (at least 50% of meetings in a 12-month period)
  • Regularly update EMResource (hospitals and some long-term care facilities only)
  • Have an executed Memorandum of Agreement with the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) (hospitals only)
  • Have an executed Memorandum of Understanding with other members of the coalition (AzCHER MOU)
  • Share member inventory in the coalition’s inventory management tool

This version (Version 1: 2020) of the AzCHER Participation Agreement supersedes all previous regional membership documents. Furthermore, this Participation Agreement is subject to and incorporates the Terms of Use of the member database, AzCHER-Connect.

Nothing in this Participation Agreement is legally binding upon its signatories or their organizations. Any participation, including the degree of participation, with respect to this Agreement is strictly voluntary on the part of the participating organization.

Any signatory to this Participation Agreement may withdraw the organization’s membership by providing 30 days’ written notice to the coalition administrator at 2800 N. Central Avenue, Suite 1450, Phoenix, Arizona 85004.

A separate policy regarding eligibility, access to, and reporting on Coalition Funds shall be posted on the coalition’s website ( when such funds are available.

v.1: 2020

I agree on behalf of the organization

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